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Internet from space for remote schools in South Sudan

Starlink is a satellite internet service that can provide high-speed internet access to schools in remote areasIt can help improve education by making online resources more accessible to students and teachers. 
How does Starlink work? 

  • Starlink uses a network of low-Earth orbit (LEO) satellites to provide internet access
  • Starlink’s internet is designed to be affordable, high-bandwidth, and low-latency
  • Starlink can provide internet access to areas with limited or no connectivity
How does Starlink benefit schools?
  • Starlink can help make remote learning a reality for students and schools 
  • Starlink can make educational opportunities more equitable by providing access to the same online resources as urban schools 
  • Starlink can provide students with access to up-to-date information and study resources 
Where is Starlink being used in schools?
  • RwandaStarlink has been deployed in Rwanda to improve education, especially for schools without reliable internet 
  • KenyaTeach For Kenya has installed Starlink internet in seven schools in Nairobi 
  • KazakhstanStarlink has partnered with Kazakhstan to connect rural schools 
You can check the Starlink availability map to see if Starlink is available in your area. 

The Internet has become an essential part of education, replacing teaching resources with new interactive teaching methods and providing quick access to information about any part of a schools curriculum

Access to school and teaching resources varies widely around the world. Schools in rural areas of some countries don’t have an Internet service because the region lacks basic communications infrastructure.

It is now possible for any school at any location to have access to the Internet using the Starlink satellite Internet service. Students and staff can share the Starlink Internet connection however there are some criteria that must be observed in order to meet the terms and conditions of Starlink.

  • Do not share copyrighted material to avoid having the service account suspended.
  • Do not download and upload large amounts (approximately 1 TB monthly) of information using a residential account. If large volumes of data are necessary then get a priority account and pay for the data used.
  • Do not allow many people to connect without controls, as network congestion of the Starlink antenna will occur. Network congestion causes the people using the Internet service to be disconnected.

How to meet the requirements of a Starlink in schools?

Schools can meet the requirements of Starlink by installing a Guest Internet controller like the Guest Internet GIS-R4 for example to manage the Internet service and share with many students and staff.

Guest Internet controller GIS-R4 for management of WiFi use in schools, college, universities and other educational entities

A Guest Internet controller shares the Starlink service by generating an access code for each student and staff member. Each access code determines how long the code can be connected to the Internet (duration of access) and determines the maximum download and upload data speeds that can be used with that code.

Each code also has a data byte limit for download and upload. The access code cannot be shared, it can only be used by the person who receives the code. The distribution of access codes prevents unauthorized people getting access and overloading the Starlink service.

Other valuable features that Guest Internet provide for schools WiFi Internet

The Guest Internet controller also permits one or more websites to be blocked that would cause high data traffic and are not required for the school education support. Website categories, such as violence, can also be blocked.

Guest Internet controllers also have a method to block Torrent data, which will prevent some types of copyright file sharing. With Guest Internet schools can prevent this from happening which can lead to the Starlink or any ISP service cancellation.

In addition to the features listed above, Guest Internet controllers have a long list of additional features that ensure the best possible performance of the Internet service for the school.

  • Simple to install by anyone who can use a computer, full instructions are provided.
  • A branded and customized login page that can be used for providing information about classes.
  • Access code voucher printing to facilitate the distribution of access codes.
  • Monitoring of all the network components and the ISP service for failure; send out an alert if a failure occurs.
  • A cloud management system to manage the WiFi Internet service remotely, and also manage multiple sites if required by a school authority.
  • Reports monitor use of the Internet, check for ISP connection overload, and are used to block anyone who is abusing the service.
  • A powerful firewall that prevents sharing of the service with others, blocks any attempted unauthorized access, and has a firewall that protects any school computers that are connected to the Starlink router.

How does a WiFi Internet access network installation work in a school?

The school requires a WiFi network installation in addition to the Starlink antenna and the Guest Internet controller.

Staff computers connect to the WiFi and classroom computers for student use also connect to the WiFi. In addition the school may permit students to have Internet access for personal mobile devices.

The bandwidth of the Starlink antenna determines how many students and staff can connect at any one time. A Starlink antenna will provide from 100Mb/s to 200Mb/s. A single Starlink antenna can provide an Internet service for 50 to 100 students and staff connected concurrently when the data speed of each is set to a low value. The data speed is set with the Guest Internet controllers.

Some of the issues about WiFi technology to be aware of

The design of the WiFi network depends on the size and construction of the school building. When internal walls are constructed using wood and sheet rock then the WiFi signals can pass through them. When internal walls use brick or cement then they tend to block WiFi signals.

It might be possible to locate wireless access points along corridors and shared by several classrooms. It may be necessary to locate a wireless access point in each classroom. It is only possible to know how many wireless access points should be installed and where they should be located after an inspection of the building and a site survey prepared by a computer network engineer. The schematic of the school network is shown in the diagram.

School managed internet installation using Starlink and Guest Internet controller GIS-R4

A larger school may need to connect a greater number of students and staff concurrently than one Starlink antenna bandwidth can support.

A second Starlink antenna can be installed that will double the Internet connection speed. In this case the Guest Internet controller is a model that has a dual WAN configuration, which means that it can be connected to two Starlink antennas. The dual WAN controller has two important features.

  • Load balance; this means that the Internet connections of the students and staff are shared between the two Starlink antennas.
  • Fail-over; this means that if one Starlink antenna looses a connection with a satellite then all users will be switched to the antenna that has a good satellite connection.

The schematic for a school network with two Starlink antennas is shown in the diagram. This network could provide Internet access for 100 to 200 students and staff concurrently, the number depends on the maximum data speeds set for each user.

School managed Internet installation using two Starlink antennas connected to the Guest Internet controller GIS-R4

There are two methods of voucher access code printing. Vouchers with access codes can be printed using the Guest Internet controller or using the Guest Internet Cloud to provide codes for a group of controllers.

  • Access code vouchers that are printed using the Guest Internet controller can only be authenticated with that controller.
  • Any controller in the cloud group can authenticate access code vouchers that are printed using the cloud for a group of controllers.

How to prepare WiFi Internet access code vouchers to give to students and staff?

Before printing any vouchers, the voucher template must be prepared once in the controller or the cloud.

The procedure to print vouchers is illustrated in the next diagram. Access codes are created using the controller software or the cloud group. The button to print the codes as vouchers is selected. Vouchers are sent to the letter printer attached to the computer. Sixteen vouchers with access codes are printed on a page. The printed pages are then cut into vouchers and the vouchers can be given to students and staff.

How to print WiFi Internet access codes vouchers for school students and staff

When access codes are generated and printed using the Guest Internet controller the computer is logged in to the Guest Internet controller as the administrator. The code-printing page shown in the next figure is opened and code parameters are selected. The code vouchers are then printed.

The code-printing page shown in the next figure is opened and code parameters are selected. The code vouchers are then printed.

Each Guest Internet controller includes a free Cloud management account. The Cloud is used to remotely manage one of many Guest Internet controllers so that maintenance and support of the system can be centralized for several schools. The access codes can also be generated using the cloud account group feature. The screen that is used to generate and print the access code vouchers is shown in the next figure. The access codes can be used with any controller that is part of the cloud group

Using the Guest Internet cloud account: The access codes can also be generated using the cloud account group feature. The screen that is used to generate and print the access code vouchers is shown in the next figure. The access codes can be used with any controller that is part of the cloud group

The Guest Internet cloud can be used to manage the Internet service for many school locations, which reduces the cost of the Internet service. The diagram shows the management of the Internet service for several schools.

Managing a school Internet installation using the Guest Internet cloud account.

The data used by students and staff can be limited with each access code. The use of large data volumes over the Starlink network will require the Starlink priority plan and additional charges will be made for large monthly data volumes.

Please contact us about your installation.



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