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Starlink  Gen 3 Router Mount Mombasa


*Price includes shipping and handling fees

The Router Mount is designed to mount the Gen 3 Router directly to a wall or other surface. It is ideal for home or office use when no desk space is available, or for mobility applications where space efficiency is paramount. Once the Router Mount is installed, the Gen 3 Router is easily snapped into place and cable retention ensures the cables are not accidentally pulled out.
Compatibility: Starlink Gen 3 Router
Recommended Tools: Drill, Marker, #2 Phillips Screwdriver, 4 mm (5/32 in) Drill bit (no anchors) or 7 mm (9/32 in) Drill bit (wall anchors)
Package Dimensions: 25 x 16.5 x 8.5 cm / 9.8″ x 6.5″ x 3.3″
Package Weight: 0.34 kg (0.75 lbs)


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